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Folliküler Sıvı Oksidatif Stresin İn Vitro Fertilizasyon Sonuçları Üzerine Etkisi 
A. Uluslararası hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler (SCI & SSCI & Arts and Humanities)
(10 adet)
A.10. Özgür Bige, Ahmet Demir, Bahadır Saatli, Meral Koyuncuoğlu, Uğur Saygıl. “Laparoscopy versus laparotomy for the management of endometrial carcinoma in morbidly obese patients: a prospective study” J Turk Ger Gynecol Assoc; “Vol. 16, Issue 3", 164-169 pp., Eylül-2015, DOI: 10.5152/jtgga.2015.15128, İlgili atıf indekslerince taranıyor.
A.9. C. Kaymaz, A. Demir, O. Bige, D. Cimrin, N. Demir, "Analysis of perinatal outcome by combination of first trimester maternal plasma homocysteine with uterine artery doppler velocimetry", Prenatal Diagnosis , "Vol. 31, Issue 13", 1246-1250 pp., Aralık-2011, DOI: 10.1002/pd.2874, İlgili atıf indekslerince taranıyor., Endeks: SCI.
A.8.M.Celiloglu, E.Dogan, O.Bige, FS.Yalcin , "Second trimester cervical ectopic pregnancy treated by conservative surgery.", Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica , "Volume:86, Issue:3", 376-377 pp., Mart-2007, DOI: 10.1080/00016340500439221, İlgili atıf indekslerince taranıyor.
A.7.O.Bige, B. Saatli, M.Secil, M.Koyuncuoglu, U.Saygili, "Small cell neuroendocrine carcinoma of the endometrium and laparoscopic staging: a clinicopathologic study of a case and a brief review of the literature", International Journal of Gynecological Cancer , "Volume:18, Issue:4", 838-843 pp., Temmuz-2008, DOI: 10.1111/j.1525-1438.2007.01059.x, İlgili atıf indekslerince taranıyor
A.6. A. Demir, O. Bige, B. Saatli, A. Solak, U. Saygili, A. Onvural, "Prospective comparison of tissue trauma after laparoscopic hysterectomy types with retroperitoneal transaction of uterine vessels using ligasure and abdominal hysterectomy", Archives of  Gynecology and Obstetrics , "Vol. 277, Issue 4", 325-330 Cancer pp., Nisan-2008, DOI: 10.1007/s00404-007-0485-3, İlgili atıf indekslerince taranıyor. 
A.5. O. Bige, A. Demir, M. Koyuncuoglu, M. Secil, C. Ulukus, U. Saygili, "Collision tumor: serous cystadenocarcinoma and dermoid cyst in the same ovary", Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics , "Vol. 279, Issue 5", 267-270 pp., Mayıs-2009, DOI: 10.1007/s00404-008-0781-6, İlgili atıf indekslerince taranıyor.
A.4. O. Bige, A. Demir, U. Saygili, F. Gode, T. Uslu, M. Koyuncuoglu, "Frozen section diagnoses of 578 ovarian tumors made by pathologists with and without expertise on gynecologic pathology.", Gynecologic Oncology , "Vol. 123, Isuue 1", 43-46 pp., Ekim-2011, DOI: 10.1016/j.ygyno.2011.06.030, İlgili atıf indekslerince taranıyor.
A.3. I.Gulhan, S.Eser, C.Yakut, O.Bige, E.Ilhan,Y Yildirim,U. Saygili, "Second Primary Gynecologic Cancers After Breast in Turkish Women", International Journal of Gynecological Cancer , "Volume:19, Issue:4", 648-650 pp., Mayıs-2009, DOI: 10.1111/IGC.0b013e3181a12e8b, İlgili atıf indekslerince taranıyor
A.2.F.Gode, B.Gulekli, E.Dogan, P.Korhan, S.Dogan, O.Bige, D.Cimrin, N.Atabey, "Influence of follicular fluid GDF9 and BMP15 on embryo quality", Fertility and Sterility,"Volume:95,Issue:7",2274-2278pp., Nisan-2011, DOI: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2011.03.045, İlgili atıf indekslerince taranıyor.
A.1. A. Demir, S. Guclu, O. Bige, A. Solak, N. Demir, "Amniotic fluid angiogenin levels are decreased in pregnancies with fetal trisomy 21.", Prenatal Diagnosis , "Vol. 31, Issue 11", 1101-1103 pp., Kasım-2011, DOI: 10.1002/pd.2830, İlgili atıf indekslerince taranıyor.
B. Uluslararası bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitabında (Proceedings) basılan   bildiriler:
(8 adet)
B.1.O.Bige, B.Saatli, M.Koyuncuoğlu, Ç.Ulukuş, U.Saygılı, C.Kaymaz, VII. International Congress of Turkish German Gynecologic Association konferansı dahilinde , "Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics", bildiri kitapçığındaki "Collision tumor: serous cystadenocarcinoma and dermoid cyst in the same ovary: A case report", 100-100 pp.,Antalya,Turkiye, 16-20 Mayıs, 2007    
B.2. A. Demir, B. Saatli, O. Bige, U. Saygili, VII. International Congress of the Turkish-German Gynecological Association konferansı dahilinde , "Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics Supplement to Volume 275-May 2007", bildiri kitapçığındaki "Analysis of different types laparoscopic hysterectomy with retroperitoneal lateral transsection of uterine arteries using ligasure: Dokuz Eylul University Experience", 115-115 pp.,Antalya, Türkiye, Mayıs, 2007.
B.3.O.Bige,B. Saatli, M.Secil, M.Koyuncuoglu, U.Saygili , VII. International Congress of Turkish German Gynecologic Association konferansı dahilinde , "Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics", bildiri kitapçığındaki "Small cell neuroendocrine carcinoma of the endometrium and laparoscopic staging: clinicopathological study of a case and a brief review of the literature", 95-96 pp.,Antalya;Turkiye, 16-20 Mayıs, 2007
B.4. T. Altındağ, O. Bige, E. Doğan, A. Demir, M. Celiloğlu, VII. International Congress of the Turkish-German Gynecological Association konferansı dahilinde , "Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics Supplement to Volume 275-May 2007", bildiri kitapçığındaki "Effects of Postmenopausal Hormone Therapy on Leiomyoma and Uterine Artery Doppler Indices: One year Prospective Study Comparing Two Regimens", 164-164 pp.,Antalya, Türkiye, Mayıs, 2007.
B.5. A. Demir, S. Güclü, O. Bige, N. Demir, A. Solak, 8th World Congress of Perinatal Medicine konferansı dahilinde , "Journal of perinatal medicine Vol.35 (2007) Supplement II", bildiri kitapçığındaki "Comparison of leptin levels as an indicator of angiogenesis in second trimester amniotic fluids of fetuses with trisomy 21 and normal karyotype", 147-148 pp.,Floransa, İtalya, Eylül, 2007.
B.6. A. Demir, S. Güclü, O. Bige, N. Demir, A. Solak, 8th World Congress of Perinatal Medicine konferansı dahilinde , "Journal of perinatal medicine Vol.35 (2007) Supplement II", bildiri kitapçığındaki "Analysis of second trimester amniotic fluid angiogenin levels in fetuses with normal karyotype and with trisomy 21.", 147-147 pp.,Floransa, İtalya, Eylül, 2007.
B.7.O. Bige, N.Demir, S.Güçlü, S. Altunyurt, 8th World Congress of Perinatal Medicine konferansı dahilinde , "Journal of Perinatal Medicine VOL.35 Suplement II", bildiri kitapçığındaki "Can we performe a vesicoamniotic shunt placement in perforated bladder?", 231-231 pp.,Florence,Italy, September (Eylül) 9-13, 2007
B.8.O. Bige, N.Demir, S.Güçlü, S. Altunyurt, 8th World Congress of Perinatal Medicine konferansı dahilinde , " Journal of Perinatal Medicine VOL.35 Suplement II", bildiri kitapçığındaki "Intrauterin cystoamniotic shunt: A case of congenital adenomatoid malformation", 231-231 pp.,Florence,Italy, September (Eylül) 9-13, 2007
D - Ulusal Hakemli Dergilerde Yayımlanan Makaleler
D.1. A. Demir, O. Bige, E. Çağlıyan, A. Solak, S. Guclu , "Effect of fetal gender on angiogenesis: Analysis of angiogenin and leptin in second trimester amniotic fluids of fetuses with normal karyotype", Türkiye Klinikleri Jinekoloji Obstetri Dergisi , "cilt 24, sayı 1", 16-19 pp., 2014, İlgili atıf indekslerince taranıyor.
D.2.C.Kaymaz,B.Saatli, Ö.Bige, A.Kefi, M.Koyuncuoğlu,U.Saygılı, "Pelvic Actinomycosis Mimicking Ovarian Malignancy Causing Unilateral Hydronephrosis", Gynecology, Obstetrics and Reproductive Medicine , "13", 70-71 pp., 2007, İlgili atıf indekslerince taranıyor.
D.3.C.Kaymaz, N.Demir, D.Çımrın; S. Altunyurt, B.Saatli, Ö.Bige, "İkinci trimester amniotik sıvı interlökin-6, interlökin-8 ve tümör nekrozis faktör-alfa seviyeleri ile erken doğumun ve preeklampsinin ilişkisi", Turkiye Klinikleri J Gynecol Obst (Türkiye Klinikleri Jinekoloji ve Obstetri Dergisi) , "17(4)", 292-297 pp., 2007, İlgili atıf indekslerince taranıyor.
D.4.Ö.Bige, M.Koyuncuoğlu, C.Kaymaz, B. Saatli, M.Celiloğlu, U.Saygılı, "Frozen Kesit İncelemesinin Over Kaynaklı Neopilazileri Teşhis Etmedeki Doğruluk Oranı:Patoloğun Rolü: Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Tecrübesi", Turkiye Klinikleri J Gynecol Obst (Türkiye Klinikleri Jinekoloji Obstetrik Dergisi ) , "17(4)", 255-261 pp., 2007, İlgili atıf indekslerince taranıyor.
D.5.A.Safarova, Ö.Bige, C.Kaymaz, E.Doğan, "Origin and Significance of Extremely Elevated Serum Alkaline Phosphatase Activity During Normal Pregnancy: A Case Report", Turkiye Klinikleri J Gynecol Obst (Türkiye Klinikleri Jinekoloji Obstetrik Dergisi ) , "17(5)", 405-408 pp., 2007, İlgili atıf indekslerince taranıyor.
D.6.N.Demir, S.Güçü,S.Altunyurt, Ö. Bige, O. Ateş, F.Akgür, Ç.Olguner, "Congenital Cystic Adenomatoid Malformation and Intrauterine Cystoamniotic Shunt", Turkiye Klinikleri J Gynecol Obst (Türkiye Klinikleri Jinekoloji Obstetrik Dergisi ) , "18(1)", 75-82 pp., 2008, İlgili atıf indekslerince taranıyor.
D.7. N. Peker, A. Demir, O. Bige, "Endometrioma mimicking ovarian cancer with unusual high levels of serum CA 125 and Ca 19-9", Basic and Clinical Sciences , "", 2014, DOI: dx.doi.org/10.12808/, İlgili atıf indekslerince taranıyor
D.8.Ö. Bige, B. Gulekli ,A. Demir, F.Gode, S. Kocturk, F. Aydiner,  A. Burak Özkaya, H. Giray “ Effect of follıcular fluıd oxıdatıve stress on subsequent oocyte qualıty and embryo development”, Turkiye Klinikleri J Gynecol Obst (Türkiye Klinikleri Jinekoloji Obstetrik Dergisi   DOI: 10.5336/gynobstet.2014-41089.  İlgili atıf indekslerince taranıyor
E - Ulusal Bilimsel Toplantılarda Sunulan ve Bildiri Kitaplarında (proceedings) Basılan Bildiriler
E.1. M.Koyuncuoğlu,Ö.Bige, Ş.Ünlü, U.Saygılı., 11. Ulusal Jinekolojik Onkoloji Kongresi konferansı dahilinde , "The Turkish Journal of Gynecologic Oncology 11. Ulusal Jinekolojik Onkoloji Kongresi Cilt:9 Sayı: 4-1", bildiri kitapçığındaki "Otoamputasyon Gösteren Benign Seröz Kistadenomlu Over Dokusu", 161-161 pp.,Belek/Antalya, 30 Nisan-4 Mayıs, 2008
E.2. M.Koyuncuoğlu,Ö.Bige, Ş.Olgan, E.İğci H.Demirkan, U.Saygılı, 11. Ulusal Jinekolojik Onkoloji Kongresi konferansı dahilinde , "Turkish Journal of Gynecologic Oncology 11. Ulusal Jinekolojik Onkoloji Kongresi Cilt:9 Sayı: 4-1", bildiri kitapçığındaki "Overde Seyrek Görülen Endoservikal Benzeri(Mullerian) Musinöz Karsinoma Olgusu", 160-161 pp.,Belek/Antalya, 30 Nisan-4 Mayıs, 2008
E.3. C.Kaymaz, B.Saatli, Ö.Bige, M.Koyuncuoğlu, A.Kefi, U.Saygılı, 8.Jinekoloji Obstetri Kış Kongresi konferansı dahilinde , "8.Jinekoloji Obstetri Kış Kongresi ", bildiri kitapçığındaki "Ovarian Malignansiyi Taklit Eden Pelvik Aktinomikozisin Neden Olduğu Üreteral Obstrüksiyon ve Hidronefrozis", 146-147 pp.,Bursa, Türkiye, 17-21 Ocak, 2007
E.4. C.Kaymaz, N.Demir, D.Çımrın; S.Altunyurt, B.Saatli, Ö.Bige, 8.Jinekoloji Obstetri Kış Kongresi konferansı dahilinde , "8.Jinekoloji Obstetri Kış Kongresi ", bildiri kitapçığındaki "İkinci trimester amniotik sıvı interlökin-6, interlökin-8 ve tümör nekrozis faktör-alfa seviyeleri ile erken doğumun ve preeklampsinin ilişkisi", 169-170 pp.,Bursa, Türkiye, 17-21 Ocak, 2007
E.5. H.Göksever, Ö.Bige, Y.Erata, 8.Jinekoloji Obstetri Kış Kongresi konferansı dahilinde , "8.Jinekoloji Obstetri Kış Kongresi ", bildiri kitapçığındaki "Preterm Eylemde Epidemiyolojik Faktörler", 179-180 pp.,Bursa,Türkiye, 17-21 Ocak , 2007
E.6. A.Safarova, Ö.Bige, C.Kaymaz, E.Doğan, 8.Jinekoloji Obstetri Kış Kongresi konferansı dahilinde , "8.Jinekoloji Obstetri Kış Kongresi ", bildiri kitapçığındaki "Origin and Significance of Extremely Elevated Serum Alkaline Phosphatase Activity During Normal Pregnancy: A Case Report", 179-179 pp.,Bursa, Türkiye, 17-21 Ocak, 2007
E.7. Ö.Bige, M.Koyuncuoğlu, C.Kaymaz, B.Saatli, M.Celiloğlu, U.Saygılı, 8.Jinekoloji Obstetri Kış Kongresi konferansı dahilinde , "8.Jinekoloji Obstetri Kış Kongresi ", bildiri kitapçığındaki "Frozen Kesit İncelemesinin Over Kaynaklı Neopilazileri Teşhis Etmedeki Doğruluk Oranı:Patoloğun Rolü: Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Tecrübesi", 155-156 pp.,Bursa,Türkiye, 17-21 Ocak , 2007
E.8. E.Doğan, C.Kaymaz, B.Saatli, Ö.Bige, M.Celiloğlu, B.Gülekli, 2. Jinekolojik Endoskopi Kongresi konferansı dahilinde , "II. Jinekolojik Endoskopi Kongresi", bildiri kitapçığındaki "Ofis Histeroskopide Paraservikal Blok ve İntrauterine Lokal Anestezi Uygulamasının Etkinliği", 40-40 pp.,İzmir, Türkiye, 4-7 Nisan, 2007
E.9. A.Demir, B,Saatli, Ö,Bige , A,Solak , U. Saygılı, A. Önvural, 2. Jinekolojik Endoskopi Kongresi konferansı dahilinde , "2. Jinekolojik Endoskopi Kongresi", bildiri kitapçığındaki "Ligasure kullanılarak uterin damarların retroperitonel lateral transseksiyonu metoduyla yapılan laparoskopik histerektomi tipleri sonrası doku travmasının prospektif olarak değerlendirilmesi ", 42-42 pp.,İzmir,Türkiye, 4-7 Nisan, 2007
E.10. Ö.Bige, S.Karakuş,A.Demir,F.Gode,M.Koyuncuoglu, 8.Ulusal Jinekoloji ve Obstetrik Kongresi konferansı dahilinde , "8.Ulusal Jinekoloji ve Obstetrik Kongresi "bildiri kitapçığındaki "Accuracy of intraoperative frozen section in diagnosis of ovarian tumors: the role of the pathologist ", 419-419 pp.,Antalya/Türkiye, 18-23 Mayıs, 2010
G - Diğer Yayınlar (ATIFLAR)
 (Atıflar: >200 adet, web-science search ulaşılabilen >90 adet).
G1:Demir A, Guclu S, Bige O, Solak A, Demir N. Amniotic fluid angiogenin levels are decreased in pregnancies with fetal trisomy 21. Prenat Diagn. 2011 Nov;31(11):1101-3. doi: 10.1002/pd.2830 (Atıflar: 1 adet).
     G1-1: A. Demir , B. Saatli , E. Cagliyan , A. Solak, S. Guclu; Do amniotic fluid leptin levels decrease in pregnancies with fetal trisomy 21? Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, August 2012;32,(6) :540-542
G2:Gulhan I, Eser S, Yakut C, Bige O, Ilhan E, Yildirim Y, Saygili U. Second primary gynecologic cancers after breast cancer in Turkish women. Int J Gynecol Cancer. 2009 May;19(4):648-50. doi: 10.1111/IGC.0b013e3181a12e8b. (Atıflar: 6 adet).
G2-1: Fujiwara M(1), Taube J, Sharma M, McCalmont TH, Kim J.PAX8 discriminates ovarian metastases from adnexal tumors and other cutaneous metastases. J Cutan Pathol. 2010 Sep;37(9):938-43. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0560.2010.01564.x.
G2-2: Irimie A(1), Achimas-Cadariu P, Burz C, Puscas E.Multiple primary malignancies--epidemiological analysis at a single tertiary institution. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis. 2010 Mar;19(1):69-73
G2-3: Gokce T, Karadogan I, Akcay C. A long-term survival pattern for breast cancer treated in a single institution. Indian J Cancer. 2011 Apr-Jun;48(2):187-93. doi: 10.4103/0019 509X.82884.
G2-4: Arpaci E(1), Tokluoglu S, Yetigyigit T, Alkis N; Multiple primary malignancies--a retrospective analysis at a single center in Turkey. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2013;14(2):769-73.
G2-5: Molina-Montes E(1), Pollán M, Payer T, Molina E, Dávila-Arias C, Sánchez MJ. Risk of second primary cancer among women with breast cancer: a population-based  study in Granada (Spain). Gynecol Oncol. 2013 Aug;130(2):340-5. doi: 10.1016/j.ygyno.2013.04.057
G2-6:Molina-Montes, Esther; Requena, Mar; Sanchez-Cantalejo, Emilio; et al. Risk of second cancers cancer after a first        primary breast cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis Gynecologic  Oncology  Volume: 136   Issue: 1   Pages: 158-171   Published: JAN 2015
G3:Kaymaz C, Demir A, Bige O, Cagliyan E, Cimrin D, Demir N. Analysis of perinatal outcome by combination of first trimester maternal plasma homocysteine with uterine artery Doppler velocimetry. Prenat Diagn. 2011 Dec;31(13):1246-50. doi: 10.1002/pd.2874. Epub 2011 Oct 20. (Atıflar: 5 adet).
G3-1.Evaluating the Optimal Definition of Abnormal First-Trimester Uterine Artery Doppler Parameters to Predict Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes By: Carter, Ebony B.; Goetzinger, Katherine; Tuuli, Methodius G.; et al. JOURNAL OF ULTRASOUND IN MEDICINE  Volume: 34   Issue: 7   Pages: 1265-1269   Published: JUL 2015
G3-2.Predictive accuracy of the first trimester Doppler scan: a meta-study By: Matevosyan, Naira Roland WIENER MEDIZINISCHE WOCHENSCHRIFT  Volume: 165   Issue: 9-10   Pages: 199-209   Published: MAY 2015
G3-3. Metabolomics Profiling for Identification of Novel Potential Markers in Early Prediction of Preeclampsia By: Kuc, Sylwia; Koster, Maria P. H.; Pennings, Jeroen L. A.; et al. PLOS ONE  Volume: 9   Issue: 5     Article Number: e98540   Published: MAY 29 2014
G3-4.The periconceptional period, reproduction and long-term health of offspring: the importance of one-carbon metabolism By: Steegers-Theunissen, Regine P. M.; Twigt, John; Pestinger, Valerie; et al. HUMAN REPRODUCTION UPDATE  Volume: 19   Issue: 6   Pages: 640-655   Published: NOV-DEC 2013
G3-5.  Maternal predictors of intrauterine growth restriction By: Cetin, Irene; Mando, Chiara; Calabrese, Stefania
CURRENT OPINION IN CLINICAL NUTRITION AND METABOLIC CARE  Volume: 16   Issue: 3   Pages: 310-319  Published: MAY 2013
G4:Demir A, Bige O, Saatli B, Solak A, Saygili U, Onvural A. Prospective comparison of tissue trauma after laparoscopic hysterectomy types with retroperitoneal lateral transsection of uterine vessels using ligasure andnabdominal hysterectomy. Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2008 Apr;277(4):325-30. Epub 2007 Oct 20. PubMed PMID: 17952446. (Atıflar: 5 adet).
G4-1.Surgical approach to hysterectomy for benign gynaecological diseasenBy: Aarts, Johanna W. M.; Nieboer, Theodoor E.; Johnson, Neil; et al. COCHRANE DATABASE OF SYSTEMATIC REVIEWS  Issue: 8     Article Number: CD003677   Published: 2015
G4-2. Comparison of tissue trauma after abdominal, vaginal and total laparoscopic hysterectomy By: Oksuzoglu, Aysegul; Seckin, Berna; Turkcapar, Ayse Figen; et al. GINEKOLOGIA POLSKA  Volume: 86   Issue: 4   Pages: 268-273   Published: 2015
G4-3. Laparoscopic hysterectomy versus abdominal hysterectomy for severe pelvic endometriosis By: Chalermchockchareonkit, Amphan; Tekasakul, Putthawan; Chaisilwattana, Pongsakdi; et al. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GYNECOLOGY & OBSTETRICS  Volume: 116   Issue: 2   Pages: 109-111  Published: FEB 2012
G4-4. ????????? ? ??????????? ?????? ????? ???????? ?? ??????? ????? Imune system and cytokine status after surgeries on large intestine By: ???????, ?.?.; ??????, ???????? ????????????; ???????, ?.?.; et al. By: Voloshin, A.G.; Nikoda, V.V.; Bunatyan, K.A.; et al. ?????????????? ? ??????????????  Issue: 2   Pages: 38-42   Published: 2011 Anesteziologiya i reanimatologiya  Issue: 2   Pages: 38-42   Published: 2011
G4-5. Surgical approach to hysterectomy for benign gynaecological disease (Review) By: Nieboer, T. E.; Johnson, N.; Lethaby, A.; et al. COCHRANE DATABASE OF SYSTEMATIC REVIEWS  Issue: 3     Article Number: CD003677   Published: 2009
G5:Bige O, Demir A, Koyuncuoglu M, Secil M, Ulukus C, Saygili U. Collision tumor: serous cystadenocarcinoma and dermoid cyst in the same ovary. Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2009 May;279(5):767-70. doi: 10.1007/s00404-008-0781-6(Atıflar: 3 adet).
 G5-1. Coupland SE, Dodson A, Liu H, Du MQ, Angi M, Damato BE Intraocular collision tumour: case report and literature review. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2013 May;251(5).
G5-2. Hoogstraat M, de Pagter MS, Cirkel GA, van Roosmalen MJ, Harkins TT, Duran K, Kreeftmeijer J, Renkens I, Witteveen PO, Lee CC, Nijman IJ, Guy T, van 't Slot R, Jonges TN, Lolkema MP, Koudijs MJ, Zweemer RP, Voest  EE, Cuppen E, Kloosterman WP Genomic and transcriptomic plasticity in treatment-naive ovarian cancer.. Genome Res. 2014 Feb;24(2):200-11.
G6:Bige O, Demir A, Saygili U, Gode F, Uslu T, Koyuncuoglu M. Frozen section diagnoses of 578 ovarian tumors made by pathologists with and without expertise on gynecologic pathology. Gynecol Oncol. 2011 Oct;123(1):43-6. doi: 10.1016/j.ygyno.2011.06.030 (Atıflar: 9 adet). 
G6-1. Unexpected Gynecological Findings during Abdominal Surgery. Boyd CA, Taylor SR. Curr Probl Surg. Apr 2012; 49 (4): 195-251.
G6-2. The role of frozen sections in gynaecological oncology: survey of practice in the United Kingdom. Ganesan R, Brown LJ, Kehoe S, McCluggage WG, El- Bahrawy MA. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2013 Feb;166(2):204-8.
G6-3. Mucinous tumors of the ovary: diagnostic challenges at frozen section and clinical implications. Storms AA, Sukumvanich P, Monaco SE, Beriwal S, Krivak TC, Olawaiye AB, Kanbour-Shakir A. Gynecol Oncol. 2012 Apr;125(1):75-9.
G6-4. Histopathology and cytology of supposedly benign tumors of the ovary. [Article in French] Sevestre H, Ikoli JF, Al Thakfi W. J Gynecol Obstet Biol Reprod (Paris). 2013 Dec;42(8):715-21.
G6-5. Accuracy of frozen section in the diagnosis of ovarian tumours. Toneva F, Wright H, Razvi K. J Obstet Gynaecol. 2012 Jul;32(5):479-82.
G6-6. Diagnostic accuracy of intraoperative consultation (frozen section) in borderline ovarian tumours and factors associated with misdiagnosis. Basaran D, Salman MC, Calis P, Ozek A, Ozgul N, Usubütün A, Yuce K. J Obstet Gynaecol. 2014 Apr 15.
G6-7. Frozen section in gynaecology: uses and limitations. El-Bahrawy M, Ganesan R. Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2014 Jan 11
G6-8. The optimal organization of gynecologic oncology services: a systematic review By: Fung-Kee-Fung, M.; Kennedy, E. B.; Biagi, J.; et al. CURRENT ONCOLOGY  Volume: 22   Issue: 4   Pages: E282-E293   Published: AUG 2015
G6-9. Accuracy of Intraoperative Frozen Section in the Evaluation of Patients with Adnexal Mass: Retrospective       Analysis of 748 Cases with Multivariate Regression Analysis By: Basaran, Derman; Salman, M. Coskun; Boyraz, Gokhan; et al. PATHOLOGY & ONCOLOGY RESEARCH  Volume: 21   Issue: 1   Pages: 113-118   Published: JAN 2015
G7:Gode F, Gulekli B, Dogan E, Korhan P, Dogan S, Bige O, Cimrin D, Atabey N. Influence of follicular fluid GDF9 and BMP15 on embryo quality. Fertil Steril. 2011 Jun;95(7):2274-8. doi: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2011.03.045. Epub 2011 Apr 15. PubMed PMID: 21496799. (Atıflar: 29 adet).
G7-1:Qiu P, Bai Y, Liu C, He X, Cao H, Li M, Zhu H, Hua J. A dose-dependent function of follicular fluid on the proliferation and differentiation of umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) of goat. Histochem Cell Biol. 2012 Oct;138(4):593-603. doi: 10.1007/s00418-012-0975-7.
G7-2:Lv X, Zhu H, Bai Y, Chu Z, Hu Y, Cao H, Liu C, He X, Peng S, Gao Z, Yang C, Hua J. Reversine promotes porcine muscle derived stem cells (PMDSCs) differentiation into female germ-like cells. J Cell Biochem. 2012 Dec;113(12):3629-42. doi: 10.1002/jcb.24296.
G7-3:Jain T, Jain A, Kumar P, Goswami SL, De S, Singh D, Datta TK. Kinetics of GDF9 expression in buffalo oocytes during in vitro maturation and their associated development ability. Gen Comp Endocrinol. 2012 Sep 15;178(3):477-84. doi: 10.1016/j.ygcen.2012.07.001.
G7-4:Park SS, Park MJ, Joo BS, Joo JK, Son JB, Lee KS. Improvement of ovarian response and oocyte quality of aged female by administration of bone morphogenetic protein-6 in a mouse model. Reprod Biol Endocrinol. 2012 Dec 29;10:117. doi: 10.1186/1477-7827-10-117
G7-5:Ali, Shujait; Ahmad, Nazir; Akhtar, Nafees; Zia-ur-Rahman; Ahmad, Maqbool,Hormonal Profiles in the Serum and Follicular Fluid of Female Camel (Camelus dromedarius) During the Peak and the Low Breeding Season.Pakistan Veterinary Journal . 2011, Vol. 31 Issue 4, 331-335.
G7-6: Kathirvel M(1), Soundian E, Kumanan V.Differential expression dynamics of Growth differentiation factor9 (GDF9) andBone morphogenetic factor15 (BMP15) mRNA transcripts  during in vitro maturation of buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) cumulus-oocyte complexes. : 2013 May 6;2(1):206. 
G7-7: Chang HM(1), Cheng JC, Klausen C, Leung PC. BMP15 suppresses progesterone production by down-regulating StAR via ALK3 in human granulosa cells. Mol Endocrinol. 2013 Dec;27(12):2093-104. doi: 10.1210/me.2013-1233
G7-8: Calreticulin is required for development of the cumulus oocyte complex and female fertility By: Tokuhiro, Keizo; Satouh, Yuhkoh; Nozawa, Kaori; et al. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS  Volume: 5     Article Number: 14254   Published: SEP 21 2015
G7-9: Mutations Analysis of the Growth Differentiation Factor 9 Gene in Syrian Women with Ovarian Failure By: Al-Ajoury, Rana; Kassem, Essam; Al-Halabi, Bassel; et al. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS  Volume: 15   Issue: 3   Pages: 139-144   Published: SEP 2015
G7-10. Biochemical and hormonal analysis of follicular fluid and serum of female dromedary camels (Camelus dromedarius) with different sized ovarian follicles By: El-Bahr, S. M.; Ghoneim, I. M.; Waheed, M. M. ANIMAL REPRODUCTION SCIENCE  Volume: 159   Pages: 98-103   Published: AUG 2015
G7-11. Maternal control of oocyte quality in cattle "a review" By: Moussa, M.; Shu, J.; Zhang, X. H.; et al. ANIMAL REPRODUCTION SCIENCE  Volume: 155   Pages: 11-27   Published: APR 2015
G7-12. Oocyte environment: follicular fluid and cumulus cells are critical for oocyte health By: Dumesic, Daniel A.; Meldrum, David R.; Katz-Jaffe, Mandy G.; et al. FERTILITY AND STERILITY  Volume: 103   Issue: 2   Pages: 303-316   Published: FEB 2015
G7-13. The fundamental role of bone morphogenetic protein 15 in ovarian function and its involvement in female fertility disorders  By: Persani, Luca; Rossetti, Raffaella; Di Pasquale, Elisa; et al. HUMAN REPRODUCTION UPDATE  Volume: 20   Issue: 6   Pages: 869-883   Published: NOV-DEC 2014
G7-14. A randomized controlled trial of gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist versus gonadotropin-releasing hormone antagonist in Iranian infertile couples: oocyte gene expression By: Hoseini, Fatemeh Sadat; Mugahi, Seyed Mohammad Hossein Noori; Akbari-Asbagh, Firoozeh; et al. DARU-JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES  Volume: 22     Article Number: 67   Published: OCT 7 2014
G7-15. A Proteomic Analysis of Human Follicular Fluid: Comparison between Younger and Older Women with Normal FSH Levels By: Hashemitabar, Mahmoud; Bahmanzadeh, Maryam; Mostafaie, Ali; et al. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES  Volume: 15   Issue: 10   Pages: 17518-17540   Published:OCT 2014
G7-16. Mutation in the protease cleavage site of GDF9 increases ovulation rate and litter size in heterozygous ewes and causes infertility in homozygous ewes By: Souza, C. J. H.; McNeilly, A. S.; Benavides, M. V.; et al. ANIMAL GENETICS  Volume: 45   Issue: 5   Pages: 732-739   Published: OCT 2014
G7-17. Increased GDF9 and BMP15 mRNA levels in cumulus granulosa cells correlate with oocyte maturation, fertilization, and embryo quality in humans By: Li, Yi; Li, Rui-Qi; Ou, Song-Bang; et al. REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY AND ENDOCRINOLOGY  Volume: 12     Article Number: 81   Published: AUG 20 2014
G7-18. The effect of hormonal estrus induction on maternal effect and apoptosis-related genes expression in porcine cumulus-oocyte complexes By: Bogacki, Marek; Wasielak, Marta; Kitewska, Anna; et al. REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY AND ENDOCRINOLOGY  Volume: 12     Article Number: 32   Published: MAY 1 2014
G7-19. Cytokines in Ovarian Folliculogenesis, Oocyte Maturation and Luteinisation By: Field, Sarah L.; Dasgupta, Tathagata; Cummings, Michele; et al. MOLECULAR REPRODUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT  Volume: 81   Issue: 4   Pages: 284-314   Published: APR 2014
G7-20. Expression of growth differentiation factor 9 (GDF-9) during in vitro maturation in canine oocytes By: De los Reyes, Monica; Rojas, Claudia; Hugo Parraguez, Victor; et al. THERIOGENOLOGY  Volume: 80   Issue: 6   Pages: 587-596   Published: OCT 1 2013
G8: Bige O, Saatli B, Secil M, Koyuncuoglu M, Saygili U. Small cell neuroendocrine carcinoma of the endometrium and laparoscopic staging: a clinicopathologic study nof a case and a brief review of the literature. Int J Gynecol Cancer. 2008 Jul-Aug;18(4):838-43. (Atıflar: 12 adet).
G8-1:Diana Lim, Esther Oliva, Nonendometrioid endometrial carcinomas Seminars in Diagnostic Pathology, 2010;27(4):241-260
G8-2:Deodhar, Kedar K.; Kerkar, R. A.; Suryawanshi, Pallavi; Menon, Hari; Menon, Santosh, Large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma of the endometrium: An extremely uncommon diagnosis, but worth the efforts. Journal of Cancer Research & Therapeutics . Apr-Jun2011, 7 (2):211-213. 
G8-3:Noriyuki Takai, Kaei Nasu, Hisashi Narahara Small cell carcinoma of the endometrium: A report of two cases Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research 2011,Nov,37(11): 1739–1743
G8-4:Kurtay G, Taşkin S, Kadan E, Sertçelik A. Primary endometrial small cell carcinoma. J Obstet Gynaecol. 2012 Jan;32(1):104-6.
G8-5:Cohen JG, Chan JK, Kapp DS. The management of small-cell carcinomas of the gynecologic tract. Curr Opin Oncol. 2012 Sep;24(5):572-9. doi: 10.1097/CCO.0b013e3283565ed6.
G8-6: Hwang, Jong Ha; Lee, Jae Kwan; Lee, Nak Woo; et al. Primary Small Cell Carcinoma of the Endometrium Report of a Case with Immunochemical Studies Journal Of Reproductıve Medıcıne  Volume: 55   Issue: 1-2   Pages: 81-86   Published: Jan-Feb 2010 
G8-7:Marjan Rouzbahman, Blaise Clarke, Neuroendocrine tumors of the gynecologic tract: Select topics Seminars in Diagnostic Pathology, 2013, August,30,(3);224-233
G8-8: Small cell neuroendocrine carcinoma of the endometrium with pulmonary metastasis: A clinicopathologic study of a case and a brief review of the literature By: D'Antonio, Antonio; Addesso, Maria; Caleo, Alessia; et al.
ANNALS OF MEDICINE AND SURGERY  Volume: 5   Pages: 114-117   Published: FEB 2016
G8-9. Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Benign and Malignant Uterine Neoplasms By: Leursen, Gustavo; Gardner, Carly Susan; Sagebiel, Tara; et al. SEMINARS IN ULTRASOUND CT AND MRI  Volume: 36   Issue: 4   Pages: 348-360   Published: AUG 2015
G8-10.Uterus neuroendocrine tumor - a severe prognostic factor in a female patient with alcoholic cirrhosis undergoing chronic hemodialysisBy: Sinescu, Ruxandra Diana; Niculae, Andrei; Peride, Ileana; et al.
ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF MORPHOLOGY AND EMBRYOLOGY  Volume: 56   Issue: 2   Pages: 601-605   Published:2015
G8-11. Small cell carcinoma of the endometrium: a case report with emphasis on the cytological features
By: Ishida, Mitsuaki; Iwamoto, Nozomi; Nakagawa, Tetsuya; et al. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL PATHOLOGY  Volume: 7   Issue: 6   Pages: 3332-3337   Published: 2014
H-Yayın Hakemliği 
1.Dergi SSCI, Gynecologic Oncology,  Hakemlik Sayısı:24
2.Dergi SSCI, International Journal of Gynecological Cancer,  Hakemlik Sayısı:5



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